Were Hoges & Linda Dudded By A Dodgy Agent?
by Tim ODwyer M.A., LL.B Queensland Solicitor & Consumer Advocate watchdog@argonautlegal.com.au
(An open letter to movie actors Paul and Linda Hogan)
Dear Mr & Mrs Hogan,
You don’t know me, although I’ve been a big fan of Paul’s since his television comedy days and I’ve long liked Linda’s movie work. Anyhow, I wanted to bring to your attention some interesting legal issues relating to the sale a few years back of your multi-million dollar Sydney Harbour property.
You will recall that you sold through a Sydney real estate agent to an investor for $11 million. Your buyer was a well-heeled former corporate and commercial lawyer from Adelaide. He was no dill and, after becoming interested in purchasing your property, engaged a valuer for obvious reasons and his own buyer’s agent to assist with negotiations.
While your buyer apparently paid his agent over $100,000 for his services, you would have handed over a heap more to your agent for what he did. This was essentially to sell your property by making a number of false and misleading representations to your buyer about your property in contravention of the New South Wales Fair Trading Act and the Commonwealth Trade Practices Act.
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Note: For further information about real estate or conveyancing issues visit Lawyers Conveyancing