Free Valuation? Just A Foot In The Door!
Estate agents are always offering free valuations, even though they are not qualified to do so. Why are estate agents so keen to offer this free “service”?
Perhaps the following email, sent out to estate agents this morning by Mr. Oz Vardar of, provides some insight:
“Good morning,
It all comes together….it all comes to you!
What makes a great week for a Real Estate Agent?
So much of it is about the momentum that builds when you’re working with a constant flow of quality leads. Quite simply, MyHouseValue delivers those leads, day in, day out, week after week.
At MyHouseValue we take the 20,000 potential vendors that visit our website every month and “warm them up” so that they qualify as excellent leads. We do this by providing them with a Postcode Profile report that gives them average property values in their postcode area. It wins us their trust, and it’s given in exchange for their personal and property details. We then pass on their details to a single agent in each postcode.
That agent could be you.