Anger From The REIV – A Poor Start To The New Year
On 3 January, 2006, Enzo Raimondo sent us an angry and insulting email in his official capacity as CEO of the Real Estate Institute of Victoria. The email, headed with the official banner of the REIV as reproduced below, appears to be at odds with the terms “professionalism”, “integrity” “credibility” and “ethical standards” appearing in the banner.
Of course, it is possible that Mr. Raimondo has abused his position as CEO of the REIV, using it as a launching pad for personal purposes, and we hope that the REIV will advise us as to whether or not this has occurred.
When the spokesperson of an organisation purports to represent that organisation when launching personal attacks, it not only demeans the spokesperson, it also reflects poorly on the organisation itself.
We are pleased that the REIV monitors postings on the Australian Real Estate Blog, and we invite the REIV to contribute by way of formal postings and informed comment. However, we do not expect to receive angry and insulting emails from frustrated officials.
If the REIV wishes to discuss any of the material appearing on the Australian Real Estate Blog, then it is welcome to do so, but angry insults have no place in any rational debate on matters of public importance.