Building Permit Hell, Building Commission In Damage Control

Posted on June 6, 2007 by | 0 Comments

Shannyn Hunter - Conveyancer by Shannyn Hunter
Lawyers Conveyancing


The front page of The Age (29/05/07) may have had Victorian homeowners panicking. It seems 780 permits issued in Victoria between September 2005 and August 2006 could be void or incomplete, potentially affecting thousands of homeowners and sending the Building Commission into major damage control.

The “exclusive” article by Andrea Petrie speculated on the fall-out of these irregular permits; “properties occupied illegally, not covered by insurance, and some bought or sold unlawfully”. She quoted anonymous industry sources that believed the situation was “likely to have huge ramifications for the building industry” and questioned whether the structures had even been inspected in the first place.

The “revelations” surround the involvement of Geoffrey “John” Chambers, who worked for the private Cranbourne company, Casey Building Services. When their qualified surveyor left, due to a stroke, Mr Chambers allegedly signed the documents on behalf of the company, the problem is that building permits must be signed by a qualified building surveyor, which Mr Chambers is not.

If it is true, he leaves in his wake hundreds of invalid building permits for work ranging from spas, swimming pools and sheds through to extensions and new homes, not to mention the millions of dollars it is believed the Building Commission will have to fork out to fix the mess.

But don’t get on the phone to your lawyer just yet.


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