Richard Wood Solicitors Letter – A Lawyer Responds
by Peter Mericka B.A., LL.B
Real Estate Lawyer
Qualified Practising Conveyancer Victoria
Director Lawyers Real Estate Pty Ltd
This is a comment submitted in response to the previous posting on this site. While I cannot help but be annoyed about the apparent weakness (personal and professional) of the lawyer who expresses it, it does seem to sum up the situation:
“While I am proud to confirm that I am a legal practitioner, I cannot identify myself as to do so would be to commit professional suicide.
With quiet interest I have watched this debate unfold, and am moved to confess to being one of those to whom you attach the labels “tame” and “fixed” (see comment 27/8/07 7.15 above).
My simple plea is that you acknowledge that some of us find ourselves in circumstances over which we can exercise little if any control.”
I note that another legal practitioner confirms that this problem occurs in Queensland, but perhaps not to the same extent as in Victoria.
Is the buying and selling of conveyancing clients a nationwide phenomenon?
And are the lawyers and conveyancers who are involved in it to be regarded as slick business people who sail close to the wind, or as pathetic small business operators who are overwhelmed by a powerful and ethically bankrupt industry?
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