Posted on September 16, 2013 by | 0 Comments
Brown & Brown Conveyancing

Brown & Brown Conveyancing

“OH NO, MOULD!” – you take out your favorite coat and there is mould on it, “where did it come from?” you ask yourself as you try to brush off the mould and search if there is mould anywhere else hoping you won’t find any in other areas. Have you ever had that experience? Mould is quite a common problem even in homes that are well ventilated commonly caused by Rising damp and Condensation.

Rising damp is a major cause of damage to masonry walls and if left untreated will cause serious damage, not only to your home but also to your health. Damp walls promote the growth of mould which can lead to unpleasant musty odours and a number of health problems, including respiratory symptoms and infections, allergic rhinitis and asthma.

Mould is a fungal growth. It grows in homes under the right conditions of dampness, darkness and poor ventilation: e.g. bathrooms or kitchens, cluttered storage or basement areas, flooded areas, plumbing pipes and outdoors in humid environments.

Walls, timber, carpet, furniture and fabrics can harbor mould if they stay damp for extended periods of time. Everyday things like cooking, washing, bathing and even breathing cause moisture which is released into the air causing Condensation.


Every home gets condensation at some time – usually when lots of moisture and steam are being produced, for example, the droplets of water that form on the mirror or window of an unventilated bathroom while taking a hot shower or bath. When cooking meals or washing clothes and using an unducted clothes dryer.

Condensation can cause black mould on walls, furniture, clothes and curtains. The mould looks bad and can be damaging to your health – medical research has found links between mould, house dust mites and illnesses of the throat and lungs. Mites feed on moulds and both can increase the risk of respiratory illnesses in some people

The damp left by condensation will also damage plasterwork and timber windows and if left unchecked will cause serious problems.

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