Hosts may lose most by opening homes to holidaymakers

Posted on September 17, 2013 by | 0 Comments
Airbnb host: Lynn Stanton sought legal advice.

Airbnb host: Lynn Stanton sought legal advice. Photo: Danielle Smith

Thousands of Sydneysiders are unknowingly risking fines by opening their homes as short term rentals without seeking council consent.

NSW councils are grappling with how to manage the growing market for private short term holiday letting, which is expanding through social websites such as Airbnb.

The City of Sydney has warned an individual could face a $750 fine for renting out their property without council approval.

”The City’s Local Environment Plan does not permit mixing permanent residential use with tourist and visitor accommodation models in the same building,” a council spokeswoman said.


”Advice should be sought before using any dwelling for tourist and visitor accommodation in order to identify if development consent is required.”

Some councils such as Gosford and Shoalhaven have sought to allow some residents to rent out properties to tourists without requiring special permission. But Waverley Council said it was ”concerned” about the impact properties offering such accommodation without development consent would have.

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