by Tim O’Dwyer M.A., LL.B Solicitor Consumer Advocate Real estate consumer protection goes west as a result of a convoluted dog’s breakfast amendment to the law, according to Tim O’Dwyer. Linda Lavarch MP noticed two Legal Aid lawyers sitting in the public gallery during a recent session of State Parliament. “They had tears in their eyes as the Attorney rose to speak,” she later told her parliamentary colleagues before explaining how...
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by Tim O’Dwyer M.A., LL.BSolicitorConsumer Advocate After firing more than a few verbal bullets over recent months at Queensland’s Attorney-General (and Fair Trading Minister) Kerry Shine in The Courier Mail and Gold Coast Bulletin newspapers, on ABC radio and here in the Australian Real Estate Blog, I finally got a response (of sorts). The critical issues, of course, had been the largely unregulated role of legally unqualified real estate agents in the preparation...
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by Tim O’Dwyer M.A., LL.BSolicitorConsumer Advocate From July 1st last year the role of Queensland real estate agents in preparing contracts was severely limited by law. Sit back, dear readers, as I now blow the whistle on an extraordinary government back-flip. Remember when the Beattie government back-stabbed real estate consumers who had been ripped-off by over-priced property marketeers? In December 2002 amendments to the Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act (PAMDA) retrospectively prevented...
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by Tim O’Dwyer M.A., LL.BSolicitorConsumer Advocate Once, when Queensland’s Premier Peter Beattie was planning a ministerial reshuffle, I offered him this advice: the Fair Trading portfolio, because of its appalling real estate regulation record, should be handled by his Attorney-General – or another legally-qualified minister. Beattie’s Chief of Staff replied: “The Premier does not consider it essential that Ministers have formal qualifications in the areas of their portfolio responsibilities. While there may be advantages in...
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