Despite rising interest rates and property prices, housing affordability in Australia is not as bad as widely believed, a recent report has showed.According to Rismark National Dwelling Price-to-Income Index, housing affordability has not deteriorated; in fact, it has improved slightly over the past six years. Rismark found that over the past six years, home prices have held between 3.7 times disposable incomes and 4.3 times incomes over the past six years. Household...
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The rapid increase in house prices in some parts of Australia has resulted in dramatic drop in rental yields in those areas according to a recent report by of the biggest surprise falls in rents occurred in the resource-rich mining town of Collinsville in North Queensland where housing yields fell by 2.4% from a yield of 9.1% a year ago to 6.7%. During the same period, median house price surged by...
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