Shark Attacks Shark

Posted on May 1, 2007 by | 0 Comments

Battlers, millionaires, stars or crooks are all bait.

An article from the Jenman website.

The story of how a real estate agent ripped off wealthy Gold Coast home owners reads like an American TV soap opera.

The agent, Heather Filippini, drove a Ferrari and specialised in selling mansions on an exclusive island estate. She was in cahoots with her daughter, who had numerous aliases and was married to a Russian businessman.

Filippini arranged for her daughter or son-in-law to buy properties below their true value and on-sold them, thus pocketing some movie-star sized profits in a series of million-dollar deals.

As well as ripping off her clients by under-selling their properties, Heather Filippini also charged them thousands of dollars in commission for the privilege of being fleeced.

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