Prepare Your Home For Open House by Appealing to the Five Senses

Posted on May 3, 2007 by | 0 Comments

An EzineArticle by Julie Rieman.

Appealing to the senses1. Out of sight, out of mind! Hide away anything you would not see in a “model”home. This is especially true regarding trash! Remember to empty all trash bins and remove them from sight. Keep in mind that potential buyers look at everything! A clean property equates a well maintained property that will get offers!

2. Never underestimate the sense of smell. It is important that your property passes the “smell test”. This may be accomplished by using many of the various room fresheners available today. I recommend a long lasting product and prefer the plug-in style. Consider placing one in each room. Place in an inconspicuous area that is not easily noticed by potential buyers.

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