Bitter Family Dispute Over Wills & Property In Ireland

Posted on September 11, 2013 by | 0 Comments

Dispute over lands and a shed left in a will

We at Mitchells don’t usually watch out for newspaper reports of cases before overseas courts. There is always a swag of stories relevant to our areas of legal interest closer to home. Nevertheless, when we spotted a brief but attention-grabbing report in our local Lawyers Weekly about a case in Ireland, we decided to check out the original source. And found the accounts below in the Irish Independent newspaper.

Needless to say we, like most other responsible firms of solicitors, agree to act in family disputes like this about wills and property only very reluctantly. But when folk desparately need our advice and representation, we apreciate their predicament and will give of our best so rights and obligations can be determined and enforced withing feuding families according to law. Needless to say we invariably try, before such a matter ultimately gets to court, to have it resolved by mediation.

Here is how the Irish Independent reported a very bitter family court case, not unlike many in which we have been involved:

An unemployed man subjected his own sister to a “hellish” campaign of intimidation after he realised their uncle had left lands and a shed to her in his will, a court has heard.

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