Real estate photos that fail

Posted on September 18, 2013 by | 0 Comments
Unreal estate photos

Unreal estate photos: This south western Sydney home was advertised as a “renovator’s delight”. Source: Supplied

THEY say you can’t sell a secret, but some scenes are best kept hidden, especially when selling real estate.

A goat tied to the clothes line, dirty dishes throughout the kitchen and grotty bathrooms – these all sound like scenes from a reality TV show about hoarders, but in fact all these “special” features have popped up in “unreal estate” listings online.

Real estate commentator and host of Selling Houses Australia, Andrew Winter, said great photos in an advertisement are “vital” and even give your home a “brand”.

“Is the image you’re looking at really going to help sell your home or are there things in the picture that you’d like to change, such as unmade beds, bench tops full of stuff, clothes on the line and fridge magnets,” he asks.

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