Selling - Open for inspection

Open slather: what really goes on at inspections

Posted on November 3, 2013 by | 0 Comments
For all the neatly angled flags, shining A-frame notices and freshly-stocked clipboards, the urban warfare of the Sydney open-house inspection has a slyly winking underbelly. Throwing the doors of our most valuable properties open to Joe Public has a way of bringing about the baddest of bad behaviour, from neighbourly sabotage to staged lunacy. Add to that the litany of minor accident booby-traps, alarm debacles and fiendish take-no-prisoners buying strategy, and the Saturday morning house-viewing...

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Real estate photos that fail

Posted on September 18, 2013 by | 0 Comments
THEY say you can’t sell a secret, but some scenes are best kept hidden, especially when selling real estate. A goat tied to the clothes line, dirty dishes throughout the kitchen and grotty bathrooms – these all sound like scenes from a reality TV show about hoarders, but in fact all these “special” features have popped up in “unreal estate” listings online. Real estate commentator and host of Selling Houses Australia, Andrew Winter, said great photos...

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The reasons why your property isn’t selling

Posted on September 18, 2013 by | 0 Comments
The number one goal for every savvy property investor would be to sell your property and make a profit. What happens when your property has been on the market for awhile? We speak with real estate agents, property photographers and property stylists to gather their opinions on why your property might not be selling, and how you can improve the chances of a sale. Just Think Real Estate’s licensee in charge Edwin Almeida told Property...

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